








The brief introduction of Federal APD Federal APD简介 Federal APD is the foremost North American manufacture of parking control systems. We offer solutions for car parks of all size,from surface lots and parking garages to city-wide networks. All systems are integrated to provide a true systems approach to parking. 联邦APD是停车控制系统的重要的北美制造商。我们为各种规模的停车场解决方案,从表面地段和停车场为全市范围内的网络。所有的系统集成,以提供一个真正的系统方法来停车。 Key user advantages——Federal APD Federal APD 的关键用户优势 1、Fast entry 快速进入 2、No queuing 无需排队 3、Easy to use 方便使用 4、Secure,no need to unlock car window 安全,无需解锁车窗 5、Vip treatment 贵宾待遇 Key operator advantages——Federal APD Federal APD 的关键操作优势 1、Improves traffic flow 提高流量 2、Reliable technology,no moving parts 的技术,没有移动部件 3、Lower operating costs 降低运营成本 4、Superior level of customer service 客户服务的高水准 5、No site license required 无需站点许可证 The brief introduction of Federal APD Product 联邦APD产品介绍 Product Name——Unmanned Exit Cashiering 产品名称——无人退出出纳 The Automatic Cashier Terminal (ACT) allows parking patrons to pay fees at an unmanned exit cashiering booth. Ideal for express lanes or after-hours transactions, the ACT enables the exit lane to be operated without an attendant by processing parking fees with cashless payment options. 自动出纳码头(ACT)允许停车位食客在无人退出出纳支付展位费。理想的快递专线或盘后交易中,ACT使出口车道,而不会话务员通过处理停车费与非现金付款方式操作。 Convenient Operation 便捷的操作 The Automatic Cashier Terminal features a weatherproof enclosure with an easyto-read message display that extends outside of the cashier booth for access. To use, a parking patron inserts a transient parking ticket into the device, which calculates and displays the fee due. The customer may pay the fee with credit card, ValueCard (Federal APD's prepay parking system), parking voucher, or merchant-validated ticket. A receipt is issued on demand when the patron presses the receipt button. If the fee has been satisfied, the ACT responds with the "Thank You" message and raises the barrier gate. 自动出纳终端设有防水外壳用一个简单的用于─阅读收银员的展位之外访问扩展信息显示。使用,一个停车顾客插入一个短暂的停车票入装置,其计算和显示适当的费用。客户可以支付的费用与信用卡,ValueCard(联邦APD的预付停车系统),停车券,或商家验证票。收据上的需求时,发出的靠山按下接收按钮。如果费用已满足,ACT响应 在“谢谢你”的消息,并引发屏障门。 The patron may cancel the transaction by pressing the Cancel button at any time before the credit card, ValueCard, or voucher is inserted into the unit. 该顾客可以通过按压在任何时候取消按钮的信用卡,储值卡,或凭证插入单元之前取消交易。 Dependable Components 的组件 The Automatic Cashier Terminal consists of a weatherproof cabinet, which holds the Receipt Printer and its internal SST/HP-1 or SST/HP-4 Transport mechanism. The Transport and Receipt Printer are connected to an Auditor PowerPad Fee Computer that is in the cashier booth. 自动出纳终端由风雨柜,持有的票据打印机及其内部SST/ HP-1或SST/ HP-4传输机制。运输及收据打印机连接到一个审核员使用PowerPad收费电脑是在收银员的展位。 Contact 联系方式 The Manufacturer of Federal APD:Compass Shanghai Information Technology Co., Ltd. Federal APD生产厂家:上海指南针信息技术有限公司 Phone:400-021-1238 联系电话:400-021-1238 Company Website:www.apdparking.com.cn 公司网址:www.apdparking.com.cn E-mail:apdparking@163.com 公司邮箱:apdparking@163.com